Monday, October 5, 2009

I am Todd and I am quiter!!!
I have started many times trying to change my physical life. many times i have gone to the end only to give up again. At one point in my life I was up to 215 lbs and got myself down to 185 lbs. But as soon as I got there i stopped trying and went back to my old ways. So here I am again at 216 lbs. Today Angie and I de-junked our home and She and I will now be starting the program body for life. I am going to use P90X for my workouts. My long term goal is to do a tri-athalon next summer. Lets go!! Do Your Best Forget The Rest (DYBFTR){[dibfiter]}.


Karen said...

You can do it Todd! I am so proud of you!

Todd and Angie Powell said...

Your only a quiter if you don't get up! I love you so much honey and have total confidence in what you can do. I can't wait to give you your donuts after your tri-athalon.
love ya. :)

Casperson said...

OK, now we have to come up with healthy things to eat over the holidays. Notice, I said we. Todd you are not a quiter. I agree with Angie.
Love Momma C

Todd and Angie Powell said...

Great idea Mom!