Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is Hard

So running is really hard, but I'm learning to at least enjoy it. (Did I just say that?). anyway, I feel GOOD when it's over :) I fight with myself about running everyday, and I'm sure I still will be the day of the race. I just keep saying I'm worth it, and when I look in the mirror and see myself I try REALLY REALLY hard to say I'm Beautiful.

Love you guys Help me get through this o.k.? :)


Todd and Angie Powell said...

You have come a long way babe!! when we ran the other day I was so proud of how far we were able to go. we broke that 15 minute run walk barrier and kept right on going, you are awesome!!

Todd and Angie Powell said...

thanks sweetie. i couldn't do it without you.

Casperson said...

You are my example Angie. I can't wait to break my 15 minute run walk.

Todd and Angie Powell said...

You can DO it Mom :)