Monday, March 8, 2010

OK girls, a drum role please......Your old mom actually jogged, (I don't think I can call it running, but it was difinetly jogging) 10 mins today!!
I started out walking for 10 mins, then a 3 min jog, then 2 min walk, 3 min jog, 2 min walk, 4 min jog, and then finished with a 4 min walk.
Sounds, pretty lame, but I feel great!!
Thanks to you girls for giving me inspiration. I have a long way to go, but I am moving in the right direction.
Joseph Smith's grandfather wrote a letter to his children, thinking that he was close to dying and wanted to have this letter read after his death. It turned out he didn't die and lived much longer and the letter was eventually read before his death. (Well, it had good stuff in it :>)
His name is Asael Smith, and he gives some wonderful advice, one paragrahph in particular fits my feeling.
"But above everything avoid a melancholy disposition, that is a humor that admits of any temptation and is capable of any impression and distemper: shun as death this humor which will work you to all unthankfulness against God, unlovingness to men and unnaturalness to yourself and one another."
I want to apologize for my melancholy disposition, that I have allowed myself to dwell in much too long. I am so thankful for you beautiful girls and my 2 handsom sons. What wonderful people you are and I am so proud of you! My wish for you is much the same as Asael's for his family, stay close to the Lord, love yourselves, love each other, help each other.
We just need to take one step at a time. Each day, hug your babies, love this precious life, and remember we are children of God.
Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.


Todd and Angie Powell said...

Mom, I'm so proud of you!!!!

I'm starting to learn that loving yourself is one of the most important lessons that we can learn in this life. I hope you know Mom that you are beautiful and worth it :)

Love ya

Karen said...

mom!!!! you are so amazing. I Knew you could do it! I love you so much and am so proud of you.