Friday, June 25, 2010

So I've been following my running schedule this week. It's finally getting a bit easier to run 1.5 miles without having a heart attack. I'm not looking forward to running 2 miles here in awhile, but I guess if I want to get better I should probably do it.

I'm so excited to see everyone soon, and am looking forward to living closer too. It is going to feel weird at first, not having to drive a million miles to see the people we love. Yah :)

Bit all my nails off the other day! What's my problem? I could really use some good advice, maybe some gross pictures of germs that are under nails? What do you all think?

Love Angie

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here I Go Again!!!

All right I'm going to start training for a 5k! It seems like the cool thing to do, and you know how I have to fit in. So I'm going to run in a 5k so that I can say I've done that too. Is running a Mormon mommy thing? Anyway I start on Monday, because I always say that when I want to start an exercise program (Heaven forbid I start today :).

Oh! And I thought I better stop the habit of biting my nails once and for all. Seriously whats wrong with me its one of the sickest things one could do.

So anybody have any suggestions as to how a 28yr old can stop biting her nails?

Love you all
