Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weigh In!!!

Ok so I am very frustrated because I work out 6 days a week an hour at a time now and the scale said today that I weighed 2 lbs more so I am very unhappy and sad today. I still did my hour workout and worked super hard but I guess we will see tomorrow. Maybe I'm gaining muscle who knows. lol
Anyway I only have 3 more weeks of this and I'm afraid I will look exactly the same as when I started. O well
Great job Angie and Karen for staying strong and working out. Thanks for the yummy recipes too Ang I love you guys keep up the good work!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010


are you guys giving up already? i'm not going to say what i lost last week until everyone else does. is it too busy this month? is the weigh in too personal? Feed back please! Love you all .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Angie's Weigh IN

I lost O lbs. But that is pretty normal for me, I never loss any weight the first week. I feel really good. I need to make a few improvements, but I feel good about the work I did last week. If I keep this up it will come off. Congrats Karen on working so hard, I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work girls.

Love Angie

Saturday, December 4, 2010

did anybody weigh in?

I weighed in and lost 3lbs this week! I feel great but frustrated with the working out thing. i need a better time or less children. ;0) I won't give up!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chicken Pita Pizza

Servings: 1
Prep Time: 15 Min


1 whole-wheat pita (pitas can be found at the deli)
1/4 cup low-fat pizza sauce
1 portion cooked chicken breast, sliced (I have also used canned chicken for time saving, and sometimes I have just gone vegetarian)
1/4 red bell pepper, sliced
1/4 yellow bell pepper,sliced
1/4 small zucchini,sliced
1/4 cup reduced-fat mozzarella cheese, shredded


1. Preheat 425
2. Place the pita on baking sheet. Spoon on pizza sauce. Top with toppings.
3. Bake 10-12 min or until cheese is melted

I love pizza so this is a great alternative. Hope you enjoy!!!

Love Angie

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Principle 1:Embrace Adversity

Hey everybody I was looking through my Body-for-Life book and thought this exercise might be a good way to start off our efforts.

We have all started to change, but it seems like every time I don't do something just right or am faced with a difficult situation I give up.

We need to anticipate that there will be obstacles in our paths. Instead of getting frustrated by those obstacles, embrace them. Remember that in the midst of difficulty lies opportunity (Peekes 60).

Remember also that if we pray and ask for help, we will receive that help because we are daughters of God and we are a part of his Eternal plan.

So here is the Principe #1 Tool a contract to commit to and remind us everyday what we are doing this for. It's kind of long, but we can cut and paste in word. Then print it out and put it in a place we will see it everyday.


I , Commit to starting my Body-for-Life (or whatever program you are doing)on (date), completing this 12-week Weight Removal (or Maintenance) Segment on (date).
I believe that I can accept and complete my Challenge to the best of my ability.

I realize this is work and accept the self-care price I must pay to achieve my mental and physical transformation.

By completing the Challenge, I signify honor and respect for myself, and affirm that I deserve health, happiness, and joy.


Love you all!!! And I truly believe that we all deserve to be Happy! Have a great day. Love Angie