Monday, December 14, 2009

I am so proud!!!!

I am so proud of my family and how they strive to make themselves mentally and physically healthy! I am enjoying being pregnant but it is frustrating to gain weight mainly because I worry I won't have the will power to get the weight off. I know I can but sometimes you have moments of doubt. That doesn't mean you go and eat several peanut butter bars... (no of course I didn't do that :)) It means you persevere and you continue to grow. I can't wait to run with Angie... we are still planning on doing the relay in May right?!!! Mom it would be awesome for you also, no one will push you but it would be really good for you too.:) Love you ladies

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Almost There

So today I ran 14 minutes of my run 30 walk 30 sec. workout routine. I'm suppose to run 15 minutes. I'm almost there :)

My legs hurt really bad, and I think I might need a hip replacement!

How is everyone else doing? I can't wait to see you all this week, and I sure will miss those who wont be there.

Love ya

Happy Thanksgiving.

*I am Beautiful*

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Baby Steps

So today I reached a goal of 10 minutes in my running workout. To many this may seem small and insignificant, but to me it's like running a 5K.

I have been doing a running routine for the last two weeks. When I first started I could only walk. Now I can run my 10 minute circuit of walk 30 sec and run 30 sec.

It felt so good to reach this goal. I'm working up to 15 min. of this circuit running. Once I do that for awhile, I'll be able to start my 5K training.

I have so much farther to go, but it's all about TODAY and nothing else.

It sounds silly, but I cried because I was so Happy and kept telling myself that I was worth it. And the spirit told me it was true through the Beautiful sunrise I saw this morning.

I am worth it and I am Beautiful!
Love you all

Friday, November 13, 2009

Gaining Weight!!!

Okay so gaining this much weight while being pregnant has me really worried. I don't feel like I have increased what I eat but it just seems to continually get more and more. I really haven't had time to walk a lot or do my excercises that I wanted to. I am always tired and have no one to push me to do them. I feel really down about myself and worry about post baby and how I'll do during the delivery.

Sorry I am just kind of down right now :(

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have this really cool gadget called the Niki+ipod. It attaches to the input part of the ipod, and then you place a little micro-chip looking thing on your shoe. This is really neat because it tracks your whole work out. Your can look at past workouts and try to improve yourself. It counts calories, distance, time etc. There is also a website that goes along with it. There are coaches and running schedules and other tons of cool stuff you can download on to your ipod.

I'm not sure who in our family has an ipod, but if you do this like Niki-ipod is about $30.00 and is well worth it.

If you get one you can also invite your friends on the web-site and see each others progress. If you don't have an ipod that's alright, I just wanted everyone to know of this cool little bit of technology that is helping me get back in the swing of running.

Love you guys ;)

*I am beautiful*
I have a great smile and perfectly straight teeth! That sure makes me beautiful :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I would first just like to say thank you Karen for sending that e-mail with the running workout. I have started this last week, and am doing pretty good. My calves and butt hurt, but I'm guessing that's a good thing.

It is really hard for me to wake up in the morning, but I have seen some Beautiful sunrises this last week and have done my house work. These are the small things that make my life run smoother.

It is still hard, but I'm taking one day at a time.

I have Beautiful Eyes.
My father gave me these eyes, and now my son has them too ;)
I am Beautiful.

Love you guys have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hey you guys! I have decided to wake up early to do my exercising. This is going to be really hard for me. Wish me luck. I plan on waking up at 6:00 I might go running depending on what its like outside. If it's to cold I'll work out to Cindy :)

Love ya all.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I went to a spin class today which was fun. does anybody know a good way to remember to drink more water? Hope your back is feeling better Todd! How is everybody doing? love ya all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My name is Rebecca Nellis Hart Casperson: aka Becky, wife, mom, grandma, and momma C.
I can't count the times I have said, "Today is the day, I'm going to change for the better"
I can't count the sheets of paper I have used to write down my desirable goals.
I can't count the times I have given up those same goals.
It seems I can give great advise to those I love, but can't use the advise myself.
So, TODAY I will not say can't. I will be realistic. I will be healthy.
Momma C

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hello, my name is Karen and I am a food-aholic.

I am also a food-aholic. I love to eat! I love to eat refined sugar in all forms! I want to be able to control myself. I don't like feeling like my food controls me. Not anymore. I am starting today, no more soda and I promise I will drink my 8 glasses of water a day. I am going to go to the gym 4 days a week and I want to be able to do a triathlon next summer! I am going to love my body for what it is, a mother of two, wife, sister, friend, aunt, daughter......Karen! It might not look like what everyone else thinks is the perfect stamp but it is mine, and I will take care of it!
I am Todd and I am quiter!!!
I have started many times trying to change my physical life. many times i have gone to the end only to give up again. At one point in my life I was up to 215 lbs and got myself down to 185 lbs. But as soon as I got there i stopped trying and went back to my old ways. So here I am again at 216 lbs. Today Angie and I de-junked our home and She and I will now be starting the program body for life. I am going to use P90X for my workouts. My long term goal is to do a tri-athalon next summer. Lets go!! Do Your Best Forget The Rest (DYBFTR){[dibfiter]}.


My name is Angie Powell and I'm a food-aholic!

Todd and I de-junked our house today, it was really hard. I wanted to keep certain things and told myself that I would not eat them, but as I was saying "I won't eat those",I was thinking oh I want those.

I'm starting Body for Life for real this time! But the difference this time is that I'm going to take it one day at a time, and not all the days at one time.

I need every one's help! I can't do this on my own. I have come to the point where I now hate myself and have painted myself into a corner.